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Welcome VPPA Members!

VPPA President's Message for 2022

4 November 2021

Dear VPPA Members,

As I move into the position of President for VPPA today, I am honored and humbled by this great trust that you have given me. I also find that I am nervous and excited at the same time. We continue to live in challenging times. One of the great joys of my professional career has been the opportunity to get to know so many of you.

There are several things that I am certain of as I think about VPPA and our members. We have a powerful professional and diverse membership who are committed to their art and craft. Our members maintain a strong commitment to each other personally and professionally. Our members are committed to professional growth.

It is not normal in a President’s Message to review history but given the many challenges we faced over the last couple of years, I think it is appropriate. As photographers across the state faced the challenges of doing business in in a pandemic, your Board of Directors worked on many ways to support you and to help you support each other. I find myself filled with appreciation for the leadership of Bob Harper as we entered COVID and his effort to seek ways to build connections as we lost the ability to meet. Debbie Fisk’s powerful leadership built on Bob’s work and found many ways for us to continue to connect and learn while also hosting many zoom meetings. We were able to have our first online PhotoConnect-VA Convention in February 2021 with incredible speakers (huge kudos to Mary Fisk-Taylor for great speakers and judges). Andee Moore and Jamie Hayes worked tirelessly to provide a highly successful online Image Competition. This summer we were able to transition back to in person meetings with ImageFest-VA and it was powerful to see us reconnect in person. I find myself standing on the shoulders of these incredible caring leaders as we move into 2022.

My goals for the coming year will build on the powerful work my predecessors. Several of the key areas are as follows:

  • ·         Membership – This is the life blood of our organization. Under Debbie Fisk’s leadership we began the program Each One Brings One. She has personally brought in many new members and is a role model for membership recruitment.  I hope to continue those efforts and to also focus on retention. We need everyone’s help in these efforts. It would be extraordinary if we could double our membership by PhotoConnect-VA 2023, which will be our 125th Anniversary.
  • ·         Education/Events – This is an area where we excel, and we will continue to find innovative and creative ways to support your professional growth.
  • ·         Image Competition. – This has been a core area of professional growth for our members. I know I am a better photographer because of participating. We will continue to support growth in this goal.
  • ·         Financial Stability – We will continue to work to manage VPPA finances in a way that will protect our organization and promote future development for member support.
  • ·         Building Connections - During my two years as President and Chair of the Board, I plan to visit many of you across the state for a cup of coffee and conversation about photography and about how VPPA can support you.  My district visits have been enlightening and have helped me to get to know many of you. I want to build on those insights.
  • ·         Mentor Program – While this program has been discussed several times in the last few years, I hope that in 2022 we can get a strong Mentor program up and running.

We have much to celebrate and to be thankful for in our profession and in VPPA. You have placed your faith in our board and in myself to help support and lead this incredible organization. However, it is important to note that we cannot do it alone. We need YOUR help. Together we will be stronger!

Looking forward to seeing you and celebrating photography and VPPA in 2022.



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